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for Drummers ![]() |
was playing air drums to Metallica in my car this morning, but I How
do you tell if the stage is level? How
can you tell a drummer's at the door?
What's the last
thing a drummer says in a band?
What do you call
a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend?
How can you tell
when a drummer's at the door? Printed
Logo Drumsticks Everyone loves the drums and printed drumsticks are always hit. Bands, mark these up 200% and sell at your merch tables. Companies, do you need a great giveaway idea to drum up some business? Use 'Drumming Up Business' or 'Drumming Up ???' for your next event. Give drumsticks away and watch the recipient's reaction. Always a sure fire winner!
How many drummers
does it take to change a light bulb?
How many drummers
does it take to change a light bulb?
How can you tell
when the drum riser is level?
Why didn't the little
drummer boy get into heaven?
What do you call
a drummer with half a brain?
What do you call
a Drummer in a Volkswagen?
What does a drummer
use for contraception? The
best drummer jokes are at...
What's the best
way to confuse a drummer?
"Hey buddy,
how late does the band play?"
Why is a drum machine
better than a drummer?
Hey, did you hear
about the drummer who finished high school?
How do you get a
drummer to play quieter?
Why do guitarists
put drumsticks on the dash of their car?
What do you call
someone who hangs around with musicians? NATIONAL
How is a drum solo
like a sneeze?
Did you hear
about the drummer who went to college?
How do you
get a drummer off your porch?
What does the average
drummer get on an IQ test? T-shirts, hats, stickers... and music gifts for all musicians!
What do you call
a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend?
What's the last
thing the band wants to hear the drummer say?
What's the first
thing a drummer says when he moves to LA?
Why do bands have
bass players? The
best drum jokes are at... How
can you tell a drummer is walking behind you?
Why did the drummer
stare at the frozen juice can?
How do guitar players
get away with parking in the handicap spots?
What do you call
a dozen drummers at the bottom of the sea? Did
you hear about the drummer who got accepted to Yale?
Why are drummers
always losing their watches?
What do you call
a kid with a set of drums?
What do you call
a bunch of kids with drums?
What would you call
the smartest drummer in the world?
What do you call
10 guys in a drum circle? What
has three legs and an asshole?
What is the difference
between a drummer and a savings bond?
What do you call
a beautiful woman on a drummer's arm?
Why do drummers
have lots of kids?
What's the difference
between a large pizza and a drummer? The
best drum jokes are at...
Hey there, how late
does the band play?
How do you get a
drummer to play an accelerando? Check out this awesome Drum Forum where you can chat about Drums!
What do you do if
you accidentally run over a drummer?
What do you call
a drummer with half a brain?
What is the difference
between a bad drummer and a vacuum cleaner?
How can you make
a drummer's car more aerodynamic?
What's the biggest
lie told to a drummer?
Why are band breaks
limited to only 20 minutes?
What did the drummer
say to the band leader?
What's the biggest
lie told to drummers? T-shirts,
hats, stickers, light-up drumsticks, posters, ONE LINERS There are 3 types of drummers, the ones who can count and the ones that can't. If thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his children a drum. - Ancient Proverb Oxymorons: Drum Music So many drummers, so little time. (Ouch!) Overheard: "Will the musicians please come to the stage. Oh, and the drummer too." STORIES An amateur drummer died and went to heaven. He was waiting outside the pearly gates when he heard the most incredible fast and furious drumming coming from within. Immediately he recognized the playing and rushed to ask St. Peter if that was Buddy Rich playing drums inside the gates. St. Peter responded: "No, that's God. He just thinks he's Buddy Rich." A guy wanted to play bass in a band. The band told him, "Okay, but you will have to have 1/3 of your brain removed." So the guy went into surgery. When he woke up, the doctor said, "I'm terribly sorry, but we made a mistake and accidentally removed 3/4's of your brain instead. You're now a drummer". Buy
Custom Imprinted Drumsticks
A man goes to a pacific
island for vacation. As the boat nears, he notices the constant
sound of drumming. As he gets off the boat, he asks a native how long
the drumming will go on. The native casts about nervously and says
"very bad when drumming stops." After a couple of days with little sleep, the man had had enough. He grabbed the first native he saw, slammed him up against a tree, and shouted, "What happens when the drumming stops?!" The native replied, "Bass solo."
best drum jokes are at... A New York drummer by the name of Joe was out of work and desperately searching for a gig. He went to the union office where they told him about plentiful jobs in Greece. "Greece?, the drummer said. The union representative replied, "Hey, do you want to work or don't you?". So the man packed his bags and headed off to Greece. He was to meet up with an old guy by the name of Tarek at a small pub near the town of Perin. Upon his arrival, he located the pub but Tarek was nowhere to be found. He tracked Tarek down later by phone. He said he needed him for a last minute wedding gig tonight at the Oasis hotel. There would be over 400 guests but unfortunately there wouldn't be time for a rehearsal. Tarek said, "Just show up with your drums and be ready to play." Well, the NY drummer wasn't that nervous. He had played hundreds of wedding gigs back in New York and he was just happy to have some work. Joe arrived at the hotel on time. The whole band was there except the band leader, Tarek. He set up his drums and patiently awaited for the old guy. Tarek finally arrived 5 minutes before they were supposed to go on. He frantically set up his music stand and raised his arm to lead the band. "Wait!, shouted the NY drummer, what are we playing?" Tarek looked at him calmly (knowing he was a professional drummer) and stated, "Just relax and give me strong backbeats on 7 and 13." St. Peter was checking ID's at the pearly gates. He asks the first man, "What did you do on Earth?" The man replied, "I was a doctor." St. Peter says, "OK, go right through those two shiny gates to your left. "Next person!
What did you do on Earth?" , "I was a school teacher."
..And what did you do on Earth?" . "Oh, I was a musician."
best drum jokes are at...
A customer walks into
the brand new store downtown that sells brains. There are three
glass cases, each containing a nice wet quivering gray brain. The first
one says "SCIENTIST", and it costs $100. The second says
"ELECTRICIAN" and costs $1000. The third says "DRUMMER"
and costs $10,000. The customer is confused, and questions the salesperson.
The salesman replied, "Because, it's never been used."
A horn player who had been playing with Buddy Rich for many years came back from vacation to hear a rumor that Buddy had died. He didn't quite believe it, so he phoned Buddy's wife and said "Can I speak to Buddy please?" Buddy's wife said, "I'm sorry, Buddy passed away last week." "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," he said, and hung up. A couple of hours later, he called her again. "Is Buddy there please?" "No, I'm sorry. Buddy's no longer with us," said Buddy's wife. And hung up the phone. Ten minutes later, he called Buddy's wife again. "Can I speak to Buddy please?" he said. She recognized his voice, and said: "Look, I've told you before, BUDDY'S DEAD!" And slammed down the phone. Two minutes later, and the phone rang again... "Is Buddy at home please?" the horn player asked. Buddy's wife was furious. "I'm not going to tell you again, Buddy is dead.. D. E. A. D., DEAD. Why do you keep calling me to ask for Buddy???!!!!" The horn player
replied, .."I just love hearing you say it." November 15th is National Drumming Day. The
best drummer jokes are at...
If a hundred dollar
bill was laying in the center of a room, and Santa Claus, the Easter
Bunny, a drummer with good time, and a drummer with bad time were standing
in the corners, who would get to it first?
A drummer, tired of
being ridiculed by his peers, decides to learn how to play some
"real" musical instruments. He goes to a music store, walks
in, approaches the store clerk, and says "I'll take that
red trumpet over there and that accordion." Links to over 500 Free Drum Lessons!
A young drummer girl
was walking along the street when she heard.. She looked down and saw a frog sitting by the curb. The frog says to her, "Hey, if you kiss me I'll turn into a world famous drummer and make you rich and famous!" She thought for a moment and reached down, grabbed the frog and stuffed it in her pocket. A woman standing nearby witnessing the whole event said, "What did you do that for?" The girl replied, "I'm not stupid. I know a talking frog is worth heaps more than a famous drummer any day!"
Two cowboys were waiting
in their bunkers for the Indians to attack. They listened to the
distant pounding war drums. A guy walks into a shop and tells the clerk, "I'll take a Fender Stratoblaster with an extra pack of nylong strings. The clerk says to him, "I take it you're a drummer?". The guys says, "Why yes, how did you know?". The clerk says, "This is a Travel Agency". - Submitted by Ernie L. What's
the difference between a drummer and a government bond? Little
Johnny: Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a drummer! The Star Spangled Banner from the Drummer's Perspective: Oh, say can you BOOM,
CRASH - Submitted by Alex Tuful
A Drummers Audition A drummer sits behind the drumset and the band leader says, "Can you play a samba pattern with your bass drum?" The drummer obliges with a quick "boom b boom" samba pattern. The band leader then asks, "Can you add a Mozambique cowbell pattern along with that with your right hand?" The drummer thinks to himself,
"I can do that, no problem" and obliges, giving it his The drummer's struggling a
bit with this one but finally works it out and stiffins his back, all
proud of himself. Pleased with himself, he asks the band leader "So, do I get the job? "No " says the bandleader "that's why we fired the last guy!" - Submitted by JuJu
Don't miss National Drumming Day / November 15th
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